Tuesday 2 June 2015


Personal response to my animation
I think I had a good idea that was presented well. I think it is interesting to watch and I managed to get around the issue of the camera not being fixed in place by using a warp stabilise. However, I know that there are improvements to made such as the lighting issue. 

I set up a padlet, uploaded my animation to that and sent the link to my classmates, asking them what they thought was good about the animation and what needed improving. 

From the feedback I received I found out that people liked the concept and thought it was "Executed very well" being a "fairly original" and "creative" idea. People mentioned that it did look time consuming and clearly took effort to make and that it lasted the right amount of time for a animation of this style. 

A couple of people mentioned they liked the inspiration for this piece of animation and they liked how I replicated the style in my own way. This shows that the planning and researching for various artists and face paint work paid off and made for a better animation. 

There are mixed responses to the music included and some thought it fit the animation very well and others thought it didn't fit in well. From this I can deduce that the music issue is more a matter of opinion than something that should be fixed. 

Some suggested "eliminating the background by using a dark backdrop and some lights". I will take this into consideration for any future projects of this style as it will pull more focus to the subject. 

The main point for improvement that most people suggested was to keep the camera in a fixed position and have consistent lighting as it is "a bit distracting" and obvious that it is warp stabilised. 

To improve
Overall to improve the animation I would need to retake every photo with a fixed camera position, being in an environment where I can control the lighting and background. I won't be able to do that with this particular animation because it would mean having to get another polystyrene head and starting over which would be a different animation entirely separate to this. I may try and make another animation similar to this and now knowing what I need to do to make it better than this one. 

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