Tuesday, 5 May 2015


For my animation I originally decided I would do a pixilation and then started looking for youtube videos of interesting pixilations that I thought I could make.

This was the first thing I found was this pixilation a man that's being moved around by giant hands. However I didn't think that this would be simple to make with what I have available so I looked for something more doable.

I then had the idea to a type of time lapse pixilation of a makeover, starting with a person with nothing on their face and ending with a full make over. This was the first example I found of a time-lapse make over.

I had watched a few more make up videos until I found this. This inspired the idea to make it more of an arty make over to make it more interesting and fun. 

I then looked at other arty style make up time lapse's. I liked this video because of the facial expressions by the person which created a mood for the video with the make over.

I looked for images of arty style images for make up that I could use. I quite liked the idea of doing a Roy Litchenstein pop art style of make up, I had the idea because my friend did this style of make up at a costume party I went to. I also found some other arty style make up ideas. These are some of the pictures that I found that I wanted to chose from to do for the actual animation.

I chose the Roy Lichtenstein style in the end, however, I was unable to find a person that was free for me to do their make up so I compromised and used a polystyrene head and drew a Roy Lichtenstein style drawing with Sharpies and Crayola pens. I took over 400 photos over 3 hours to complete this, drawing a small part for each picture. When it was finished I imported the pictures into istopmotion and then exported it and put it into Premier Pro to add the Music and titles. This is my stop motion animation that I created.